Our Practice
Valley Veterinary Clinic was founded by Dr. John Stinson in 1970. For several years he and Dr. Linwood Fisher practised out of his home on Charlotte St. in Carleton Place. They purchased the clinic in the mid-70s and saw patients there for many years, servicing the small animal owners of Carleton Place and the area and also the agricultural community at large. It would not have been uncommon to see a caesarian being done on a sheep and a scouring calf on I.V. fluids at the back of the clinic at that time!
Our clinic is very spacious and bright and has always had a good atmosphere for both staff and clients. Helen Douglas originally joined Valley Veterinary Clinic in 1979 and spent many nights pulling calves, often traveling as far as Ompah and Maberly. Gradually over time, the area has changed and other clinics have taken over the agricultural aspect of the practice. When Dr. Stinson wished to sell the practice in 1995, Dr. Douglas purchased it from him.
Dr. Button joined Valley Veterinary Clinic in 2006 as part of the equine practice. Over time and with the growth of her family her practice interest has shifted to small animals. Dr. Button is thrilled to have taken over the management of the clinic with the retirement of Dr. Douglas in Aug 2013. Valley Vet is now excited to be in partnership with Mississippi Mills Animal Hospital in Almonte and Renfrew Animal Hospital. We hope that we can continue to give quality and compassionate care to all of our patients throughout the region for many years to come!
We'd love to meet you and your pet, give us a call at (613) 257-3202 today!